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This new feature from the CCD staff intends to take you around the world and around the web in 10, hopefully, compelling, interesting, or enlightening clicks.
Donald Trump won’t rule out warrantless searches, ID cards for American Muslims
“Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, who has called for expanded surveillance of American Muslims, is refusing to rule out extreme measures that include warrantless searches or faith-based identification requirements.”
Washington Post HERE.
State Sen. Rucho’s Revealing Words About Public Schools While Grilling Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools Officials
The most telling words spoken at this week’s meeting of the General Assembly‘s top oversight committee had nothing to do with the pay to play scandal in the McCrory Administration, the ridiculous process used by the UNC Board of Governors to give chancellors big raises, or the shameful pandering by the governor about Syrian refugees.
Instead they came from Senator Bob Rucho during testimony by leaders of the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools who were summoned to Raleigh to defend their efforts to lessen the stigmatizing effect of the A-F school grading system created by the General Assembly.
NCPolicy Watch read HERE.
For extra fun with Bob Rucho please click HERE.
‘The Hunger Games: Mockingjay—Part 2’ Review: Jennifer Lawrence Emerges Victorious
“Somewhere in the middle of “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay—Part 2,” the sporadically stirring culmination of the series, I felt an unexpected pang of sympathy for the heroine, Katniss Everdeen. There she was, longbow in hand as usual, arrows in the quiver on her back, weaponized with touching modesty in the midst of a high-tech rebellion against the higher-tech forces of a pitiless dictator.”
Wall Street Journal read HERE.
Dem Senator: ‘Generally White Males’ Carried Out Attacks In U.S. After 9/11
“Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) said Thursday that “generally white males” have carried out terror attacks since 9/11 in the United States.”
Talking Points Memo read HERE.
Hemingway’s Paris Memoir Flies Off Shelves in Show of Defiance
“Ernest Hemingway’s memoir about the time he spent lounging in cafes and bars in 1920s Paris has become an unlikely totem of defiance against the terrorist attacks that claimed 129 lives in the City of Light last Friday.” HERE.
Headlines editors probably wish they could take back
Columbia Journalism Review HERE.
Antoinette Kerr, ZSR Sabbatical Recipient (2012)
“When Antoinette Kerr was given the opportunity to work in the community she grew up in, she gladly accepted. Ten years ago, she became executive director of the Lexington Housing Community Development Corporation. Though thrilled to be back in her hometown, she also realized she had a difficult time saying no and signed on to a number of nonprofit boards in the area. Between personal illness and being stretched too thin, she finally reached a point where she needed a break.”
Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation Read HERE
Tapped phone led Paris attack leader to his death
“The top suspect behind last week’s Paris attacks was watched by police being led into a building by a woman suicide bomber the evening before they both died there during a raid by special forces, a police source said on Friday.”
Reuters read HERE.
On the Ground in Moria- Desperation and uncertainty in an overwhelmed migrant registration “hotspot” in Greece.
“The Greek island of Lesvos is an idyllic place, an ancient island covered in olive tree groves. When the seas are calm, the water is a clear blue. But the island, once famous for beaches, Bronze Age ruins and the poems of Sappho, is now a major intersection of one of the largest mass migrations of the last 100 years.
After landing on the North shore of Lesvos, refugees must usually hike the mountainous coastal roads before reaching one of the two designated reception points. There, after three bus rides, uncertain time spent waiting and maybe a small handout of dry clothes and food, they will reach one of the island’s self-proclaimed “hotspots”—processing facilities that aim to sort refugees and jumpstart the long process of refugee resettlement—Moria or Kara Tepe.”
Politico Magazine read HERE.
Five Mayflower Myths Debunked
“On the 6th of September, 1620 – the Mayflower embarked on its harrowing, 66-day voyage across the ocean, each of its passengers headed for a new life in the New World. To mark the anniversary of this historic event, we present:
Five Mayflower Myths Debunked Aka five things that popular history has been lying about to your face”
National Geographic read HERE.
The Man in the High Castle’ Review: Amazon Adapts Philip K. Dick’s Alternate History
“Those familiar with Philip K. Dick‘s The Man in the High Castle will no doubt remember the careful allusions to its historical fiction that start trickling out in the novel’s first few pages, not the least of which being a shopkeep talking about his favorite brand of marijuana cigarettes. Industries that were complete fantasies at the time of the novel’s publication were part of the fabric of day-to-day life in the alternate 1960s of the story, and the novel is gorged with inventive details of Dick’s imagined world where Japan and Germany won World War II, from technological advances in travel and an endless stream of imagined societal tics.”
Collider read HERE.
And one to grow on:
The Man Who Went From Harvard to Goldman to Colombian Jail
“As a baby-faced entrepreneur, Kaleil Isaza Tuzman once symbolized the tech industry’s meteoric meltdown. Just years out of Harvard College and a stint at Goldman Sachs, he launched an Internet company only to see it collapse three years later.
Today, he finds himself in a South American maximum-security prison, begging to return to the U.S to face securities fraud charges that could send him to an American jail cell for as long as 20 years. For now, he shares a 90-square-foot cell with an accused murderer and a drug trafficker in Patio 16, a wing of the Colombian prison reserved for often-violent defendants.”
Bloomberg Business read HERE.