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By Angel Uriel Perales

configure your moves while your character is in slow motion but still push the X button to execute the moves when in real time. Simultaneously, you control your beast and whatever companions are with you. I couldn’t make heads of tails of it for two days.
Also, at one point I just let the system do whatever it was going to do without any input from me. If you don’t choose your pre-moves then the computer just chooses – for you. I found out that when your main character’s hit points reach zero, the character doesn’t die and you don’t have to return to a save point, the system acts like your character was victorious and simply moves the quest forward. If that is the case then why even have a fight system at all?
The kinda good: The story plotline may be interesting to those who are into the series, either the novels or the HBO adaptation of the novels. Unfortunately everything else makes you want to pull your hair out thread by thread.

The horrible: Why call this a game at all? You remember those old novels which let you choose your path at the end of each chapter? If you go north go to page 15. If you kill the tavern wench go to page 32. Yeah, this game is basically the computer version of those old choose-your-path novels. Except there is no “you are dead, go back and choose a different path” end page. When you die, the next chapter advances. LAME.
SCORE: 1 out of 10 so far. At least I can access the excellent maps of Westeros and the other lands of Games of Thrones and bring them up on my big screen instead of looking at the puny maps in the books. So basically, I paid 10 dollars for maps.
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