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Miles Apart: The Stained Glass Window
February 16, 2017
The freedom to cast a vote—to hear from and be challenged by the voice people—was impeded upon by the North Carolina General Assembly this week, and now by the Forsyth County Board of Elections. It is reprehensible and wholly unacceptable that, solely by virtue of opinion, the Forsyth County Board of Elections is initiating a new legacy of voter suppression.
Access to early voting locations is not a matter of party versus party advantage, but is established in our basic civil rights as citizens of Forsyth County. We should be able to cast a vote without the fear of overbearing laws and misguided, insensitive decisions that resemble the legacy of Jim Crow that we are working diligently to leave behind. It is a simple matter of providing fair and convenient access to all voters who would like to participate in the early voting process.
Regardless of from who a request comes, it is the responsibility of the Board of Elections to fully consider the merits of any request and make a decision in the best interest of the voters—not the interests of any political party or ideals that they may hold. Needless to say, with this decision, that has clearly not been done.
Our communities are valuable to us as citizens of Winston-Salem, and choosing our government representatives is but one way that we make lasting investments in them, while preparing our city for a great future. We as citizens of Winston-Salem must call on the Board of Elections to reverse this egregious decision and give us the access to voting that we not only deserve, but have fought for the right to have.
Jemmise Bowen
City Council Candidate
Northeast Ward
You can read CCD‘s coverage of the BOE meeting HERE.