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By Staff
Ten Pine Whispers staff members and newspaper adviser Steve Hanf attended the annual Southern Interscholastic Press Association (SIPA) conference in Columbia, S.C., from Feb. 28 to March 2. The event included 465 students from Tampa, Fla., to Washington, D.C., and featured a variety of speakers discussing journalism-related topics.
Pine Whispers was named All-Southern for a third straight year – SIPA’s top award for its 16-state region – and was awarded “Best High School Newspaper in North Carolina” by the panel of judges. Senior graphic artist Lyndsay Wilcox also received a “Best in Show” award for one of her newspaper illustrations.
Pine Whispers has been the student-produced newspaper at Reynolds since 1924. This year, 38 students in two classes work to inform and entertain the RJR community with eight print editions. Unlike many high school newspapers, Pine Whispers is also one of the most innovative. Having seen the writing on the wall for newspapers as a media platform (papers are mostly used to line bird cages and for wrapping fish for readers under the age of 60) they have developed a strong and in-depth online presence HERE. CCD is proud to have worked with Pine Whispers excellent student staff in the past and we look forward to more innovations and wonderful writing from RJR students in the future. Congratulations, kids, you deserve every accolade.
You can see Pine Whispers student journalists on CCD HERE.